For the sake of a few silver coins, our modern-day avatar of Judas - Rajinikanth - having decided to sell his soul, gathered up all his spittle and in one swift motion spat on the faces of millions of his Tamil fans worldwide.
For a highly-paid star like Rajinikanth to associate with and actively collaborate in the making and delivery of a piece of trash like Kuselan is a Judas-like betrayal - a dirty and shameless repudiation of the decades-long affection and loyalty of his legions of fans.

Directed by a lobotomized bozo called P.Vasu based on a story by Srinivasan, Big Kuselan is a piece of junk not worthy of even YouTube.
This buffoon Vasu also claims credit for the cretinous screenplay and sophomoric dialogs, both of which set a new nadir in Tamil movies.
Unless you’ve just come in from Mars, you know by now that Kuselan is a remake of the 2007 Malayalam film Kadha Parayumbol.
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