Chennai, The boycott of High court and all other courts by advocates in TamilNadu demanding the State government to take action against the District General of Police(DGP) and Chennai Police Commissioner who were allegedly responsible for the February 19 clash in Madras High Court campus(See Clash Video in this blog), entered the fourth week today, still no solutions taken by the govt.
The joint action group of the advocates, headed by Madras High Court Advocates Association President R C Paul Kanagaraj with hundreds of advocates staged a dharna and held a protest fast in front of the court complex.
The Women Lawyers Association conducted a free legal aid to the public inside the court buildings. Large groups of advocates submitted letters to Registrar General withdrawing from the cases they had taken up.
Meanwhile, a section of the advocates allegedly assaulted a photographer of leading Tamil Daily ”Dinamalar” when he was taking photos of the agitation.
Meanwhile, a section of the advocates allegedly assaulted a photographer of leading Tamil Daily ”Dinamalar” when he was taking photos of the agitation.