Tamil Nadu recorded its first swine flu death on Monday when a 4 year old boy fell victim to the illness at a private hospital here. Its authorities said he died of multiple organ failure following the flu.
Sanjay Balakrishnan, who had been ill for about a week, was moved through two private hospitals before he was finally shifted to Mehta Hospital, where his A(H1N1) infection was finally detected. However, Sanjay’s condition had already deteriorated by the time he was given Tamiflu on Saturday.
The total number of confirmed swine flu cases being treated in various government hospitals in Tamil Nadu rose to 25 on Monday. Seven fresh cases were reported at Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy and patients were being treated in quarantine wards.
Sanjay Balakrishnan, who had been ill for about a week, was moved through two private hospitals before he was finally shifted to Mehta Hospital, where his A(H1N1) infection was finally detected. However, Sanjay’s condition had already deteriorated by the time he was given Tamiflu on Saturday.
The total number of confirmed swine flu cases being treated in various government hospitals in Tamil Nadu rose to 25 on Monday. Seven fresh cases were reported at Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy and patients were being treated in quarantine wards.